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Updated: Jan 22

With so many choices in the world, what is it that made me want to pursue a career in arts and krafts? Well, I started krafting as a hobby back in 2014, before then, I've had over 6 years of experience in graphic design and an even longer love of creating.

When choosing a career path to follow, there's so many things to consider before making the commitment to dedicate your time and energy into it. Then along the road of what we call "success" there are many bumps, hills, and difficult crossroads that you're faced with, but that's when it becomes very important to remember your "Why" and to overstand what the goals are for your business and for yourself.

In this post, I'll be sharing a few of my most impactful reasons for choosing to pursue a krafty career. I hope that this entry and others will allow you to get to know me a little better, and I also hope that it adds fuel to the flames of creativity that are burning inside of you.


1. Passion

Creating is a powerful process, in all of it's many forms. I love the thought, the detail, and the skill that has to go into making a piece of art. Sometimes you have to think outside of the box and expand your creativity in order to achieve a higher goal. I love seeing the innovative techniques and new technology available for krafters, and the fact that there is always something new that's waiting to be made. The feeling that it gives me, which I'd best describe as "passion", is what inspires me to dig deeper into this field of work.


2. Creative Growth

We are creative beings, created to create. We create life, trends, art, music, fashion, beauty and we can also create change. One of the best things about having a krafty business is the fact I'm able to expand my creativity in a limitless amount of ways. With all of the tools, technology, and resources available, there's truly no limit as to what someone can create. The mind itself is a very powerful tool that has infinite and limitless creative abilities. With every new kraft, and every new idea that I’m able to manifest into a physical or digital piece of art, it strengthens my creative energies and expands my artistic skills.


3. Financial Freedom

No one likes to feel like a slave to money, working for just enough to live. I've been in that place a few times in my life. But after seeing the value of art and the demand for custom goods, I learned that this field of work can be extremely lucrative and a great way to gain one's financial freedom. As long as you continue to invest, create, learn, and network, then you can also grow your brand and the value of your kraft. You could have control of your income depending on how you spend your time and energy. You could choose to use arts & krafts as a way to earn a little something on the side, or you could choose to go all-in and establish an art brand for longevity, the accumulation of real wealth, and ultimately financial freedom.


4. Time Freedom

Time is limited, non-refundable and very valuable. Knowing that, I feel best when my time is used for things that contribute to my growth, my goals and/or my peace. And although having a krafty business can require more time than working a normal 9-5 job, I'd still prefer it that way, especially when it's filled with doing something that I enjoy. Plus, I'm able to make my own schedule based on my mood, my goals and my current priorities. Having freedom with your time is a great power and also a great responsibility. You can't expect to have a successful company and become financially free by only working a few hours a week, but you also can't expect to have a healthy work/life balance by continuously working "overtime". Time management is a major key to success as well as a major responsibility in one's life.


5. Family

My family has inspired me in so many different ways, from the love and support that they shown me, to all the ideas and pep talks that they've given me. Before I started krafting for brands and businesses, family was the heart of my crafts. Some of my first and favorite crafts were made for my family as gifts or decorations. I wanted to express my love for them in a cute & creative way, so I found myself crafting, and every time, it was received with so much love.  My family gives me a better sense of purpose and because of the love that I have for them, I'm fueled with a steady stream of motivation to keep creating, and to keep pushing forward to become the best that I can be.


6. Sentimental Value

When giving and receiving gifts, I've noticed how it's much more special when the gift is something that's thoughtful, aesthically pleasing, and custom-made to fit the personality of the individual. When it's something that was made from the heart, especially for them, it adds a great amount of sentimental value to it. I've had the pleasure of experiencing this on various ends, from creating custom items, to ordering custom items, and also receiving custom items. From any end, the feeling is heartwarming and the item itself transcends into something more than just a "thing". Especially if it's is also beautiful to look at, that just makes it even more valuable!


7. Therapeutic / Peaceful

I like to think of art as a therapeutic hobby for me. To have my mind and body in perfect balance, working together to complete a creation of love, I feel such a level of peace in those moments. To become so deep in my mind while at the same time, being able to direct my body(hands) in such a precise manner so that I can literally manifest what's in my head. It's so powerful and peaceful. Aside from that, art can also be a great tool for expression. To create anything is to express a part of yourself. Krafting has had such positive effects on my mind, my anxiety, and my overall growth. Because of that, its made me want to encourage others to try art as a peaceful hobby, or something more.


8. Confidence

At first, it was intimidating to see all of the art and crafters who were thriving in this field. That made it difficult to see the value in my own creations. I knew that I was good at crafting things, but I saw those other creators as being GREAT at it. That lack of confidence made me nervous to put myself out there. I needed to trust the process and start somewhere, so I decided to jump in and test the waters. After every completed project, every compliment, every new client, and every new kraft, I gained more confidence. I began to see myself as a "great artist" as well. I started to see the value of my craft and the potential that I had to do something even greater with it. That boost of confidence has been another factor that has contributed to my decision of creating a Krafty business. If there's something that builds you up and motivates you to grow, I feel that it's worth taking the leap for.


9. To Connect

Krafting is a great way to make valuable connections, which are important in life because you never know who you could help or who could help you. Being an introvert, I've struggled with maintaining any friend-like relationships, and I honestly stopped trying. But krafting has forced me to work on that, which I'm thankful for. This path has given me the opportunity to comfortably connect with some amazing people who have not only helped and inspired me along my journey, but they have also trusted me to help and/or inspire them in one way or another. This path has shown me the value and importance of establishing good connections and it's motivated me to grow in this area of my life.


10. To Inspire and Promote Creativity

With every craft, every connection, and every post that is made, I'm promoting creativity in one way or another. I hope to inspire someone to tap into their creative side to CREATE something, and/or to CONNECT with another creative individual to support their Krafty journey. I truly believe that we are all creative beings, created to create, and if we choose to tap into that part of ourselves, then we can unlock new levels of power and peace. So if reading my posts, watching my progress, or simply seeing one of the creations in this space can inspire someone to start creating on their own, or to start investing into more creative businesses, then it makes me feel like I'm doing something positive to contribute to the collective creative consciousness.🔮💫


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